A Comparative Effectiveness Research Study
Comparing outcomes of women receiving enhanced models of
group prenatal care and individual prenatal care
The EMBRACE study compared:
Women who received individual prenatal care with the Comprehensive Perinatal Services Program (to the extent it was offered by the provider).
Women who received group prenatal care, through Glow! Group Prenatal Care and Support.
Patients at participating practices were invited to join the study. If they agreed to participate they had express willingness to be assigned to either form of enhanced prenatal care, be eligible based on financial qualifications, and their due date .
Participants completed two questionnaires during their pregnancy and one 3 months following delivery, in addition to sharing medical record data on birth outcomes.
Participants and providers were not able to determine which of the enhanced prenatal care models women joined. This was critical to the study design to ensure accuracy in the data we collect.
Assignment to the comparators was based on due dates and the provider's pre-assigned schedule for offering the comparators. Assignment was determined only after women were consented to the study and completed the initial questionnaire.